Deelite Auto Seeds

From 29.00

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Deelite Auto Cannabis Strain

Do you want a potent strain that knocks out your stress and brings you into a peaceful daze? The autoflowering Deelite strain may be the one you are looking for. Their famed strength stems from the fact that they are among the purest Indicas available. This variety has an entrancing sweetness that fills the room when smoked. Perfect for a night in on the couch, it gives you a pleasant high. Still, it may have some therapeutic value despite the low CBD content. Deelite is an autoflowering seed, which means it can be grown without much effort or detection. Autoflower Deelite seeds are great for new growers because they don’t require a special lighting schedule or a high tolerance for error.

The autoflowering Deelite strain was developed by breeding Thai and Afghani landraces with some ruderalis. One source claims that it was created in 1970s Seattle. A trip to the Netherlands saw it introduced to the country’s burgeoning cannabis industry. Fans have lauded this variety’s potent sedative properties for decades. Its potency leads to a lingering body stone, which is why this strain is commonly referred to as a “two hits and quit” strain. An extended case of munchies frequently accompanies the feeling of being unable to move from your couch. Deelite autoflower seeds produce cannabis with an aroma that is both sweet and spicy, and smokers can’t get enough of it. The tongue may feel a tinge of citrus after tasting the skunky aroma. Because of its diminutive stature, this cultivar requires little space to avoid being the center of attention. Deelite cannabis seeds are auto-flowering, which means they mature rapidly and produce multiple yields in a single growing season.

Growing Deelite Auto Seeds

If you want to give your plants a fighting chance, germinating your Deelite autoflower seeds is a must before you plant them. If the seedlings survive, the plants will grow into robust plants with many resinous buds. When using the paper towel method, you won’t have to worry about our germination guarantee voiding itself. Every single one of our seeds is guaranteed to germinate. Deelite autoflower seeds can be grown successfully by novices and experts g alike. The plant is resistant to mold growth and pests by design. Short and bushy in appearance, typical of Indica-dominant strains, the plant’s leaves are broad. The branches produce trichome-covered buds. Since it is an auto-flowering strain, you don’t have to worry about a specific light cycle before you can start harvesting buds from a Deelite plant. It’s easy to grow, begins flowering quickly, and is excellent for novice growers. Autoflower Deelite seeds are popular among smokers partly because of how simple it is to grow them indoors and outdoors. Providing the plants are kept warm, a bountiful harvest is guaranteed. 

To maximize your yield from indoor cannabis seeds, you need to expose them to the lightest possible. High-quality LED lighting or a sunny window sill can be adequate. Care for your plants by providing them with good water and fertilizer.  Growing Deelite autoflower seeds in a hydroponic indoor Sea of Green system yields excellent results (SOG). Maintaining temperatures between 19 to 23 degrees Celcius will ensure a bumper crop. You can expect 450 – 550 g/m2 after 7-8 weeks of flowering indoors. Because of its indica genetics, this plant does well in various outdoor growing conditions. It does best in warm, sunny climates but will survive in milder environments. If you can, avoid planting when temperatures are likely to drop below freezing.  Growers in the know recommend sowing Deelite autoflower seeds outdoors between May and June. This time of year provides the optimal warmth for the plants and allows for a double harvest.  Each plant will yield between 150 to 250 grams of sticky buds in August and September. If you get rain or snow during the growing season, your yield will be closer to the bottom of the range.

Deelite Auto Weed Flavor and Effect

A cannabis crop grown from Deelite Auto has the pungent odor typical of indica strains. In the early stages of their growth, buds emit a scent that is part earthy pine and part citrus. At the pinnacle of bloom, the fragrance is at its strongest, with particularly robust fruity overtones. During smoking, the air takes on a musky, piney aroma mixed with a sweet, woody undertone. The skunky flavor isn’t overpowering, and your tongue is left with a lingering aftertaste of sugar and pepper. There is a lot of acclaim for the Deelite flavor profile, which is widely known.

This strain of marijuana is highly sedative because it contains high levels of Indica (at least 90%). It calms you down to the point where getting out of bed seems like too much effort. This is why autoflower Deelite cannabis is best enjoyed in the evenings. An overwhelming hunger accompanies this peace. Have your munchies within arm’s access before you light up. Searching for them will require a lot of energy, and you won’t get much of it after the body stone kicks in. You feel completely at ease as a joyful and relaxed elation takes over your thoughts. As a sense of well-being settles in, one begins to feel happier and more upbeat. The cultivation of Deelite autoflower seeds is lauded because of these benefits. Due to the extraordinary nature of these characteristics, even seasoned cannabis consumers should proceed with caution when dosing. If you take too much, you could get dizzy or even paranoid. Cottonmouth and dry eyes are common complaints from people who regularly use drugs. To lessen these side effects and avoid discomfort, drink plenty of water before and during consumption.


3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Deelite Auto Seeds

From 29.00