Black Widow Seeds

From 29.00

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Black Widow Cannabis Strain

Sativa predominates in the genetic makeup of the hybrid known as Black Widow, which has been recognized with multiple accolades, including the title of Number One in the 1995 High Times Cannabis Cup. It is well known that this strain produces the highest highs possible, providing users with psychedelic experiences of ecstatic joy. The strain has maintained its Indica genetics, which results in a moderate physical delight that can make users reluctant to move from their sofa. In addition to dry mouth and eyes, some users also report experiencing disorientation, paranoia, and headaches of a less severe nature.

The primary reason for using this strain is to stimulate appetite. On the other hand, other people turn to it for help in reducing their levels of worry, stress, and insomnia. People who suffer from chronic pain may also find relief from it due to its Indica characteristics. Because using Black Widow causes one to feel lethargic and sleepy, doing it in the evening is the time of day that is advised.

White Widow’s younger sibling, Black Widow, is a variant that takes a more sinister turn. Both of these strains result from crossing a South-Indian Indica with a Brazilian Sativa. Through applying selective breeding techniques on White Widow, it was possible to develop a simple strain to cultivate, resulting in great excellent and a THC concentration higher than twenty percent. The super-dense brilliant green buds are covered in trichomes and have fine hairs that are various shades of purple and orange-red scattered throughout.

Growing Black Widow Seeds

The Black Widow strain is not too difficult to cultivate. It’s also resistant to bugs, mildew, & molds, which simplifies the process of taking care of it and makes it last longer. You can anticipate seeing dense, bright green buds as it grows, with orange and purple hairs and icy trichomes during the flowering stage of the plant’s life cycle. This plant can be grown in several different environments, including inside, outdoors, or in greenhouses. In a closed environment, the Black Widow can reach a height of up to 3 feet, but in the open, it can get up to 6 feet.

When cultivated indoors, the Black Widow might not reach the same height as when grown outside, but the yield is significantly higher. Therefore, if you use the Sea of Green (SOG) approach and invest in bigger grow tents with optimal lighting & other equipment, you may even be able to boost its yield. In approximately 8 to 9 weeks, the expected average output should be between 11 and 16 oz per square meter.

The Black Widow spider prefers to live outside and has the potential to reach a height of six feet. It thrives best in a climate with a lot of sunshine and warmer temperatures. So then, you should anticipate a harvest of 11-14 oz per plant during harvest time, which happens between the end of September and the beginning of October. When used in the correct dosage, Black Widow is excellent for increasing the user’s focus and getting rid of any fatigue that may be present.

Black Widow Weed Taste & Smell

In addition to having powerful effects, Black Widow has a distinctive smell described as sweet and skunky, with an overtone of piney fruitiness. Undoubtedly, it exudes a pleasant aroma, and you can rest assured that you will find it to your liking.

And if you find the aroma pleasant, you will be relieved to learn that Black Widow tastes precisely the same way it smells, with a nutty aftertaste. Because it produces incredible effects and tastes so good, it’s hard to say no to this strain.

Black Widow Marijuana Effect

Black Widow is likely to give you a big kick, and because of how potent it is, it is not suggested for inexperienced users, much less first-time smokers who are trying marijuana for the first time. This is among the most powerful strains of cannabis, as it has been measured to have up to 28% THC in some instances. No matter how upset you are, the Black Widow will fix your inability to focus, even though we all know that stress makes it difficult for people to concentrate. However, it would be best if you only took a minimal dose of it.

If you start ingesting more, the mental high it gives you can leave you unable to do anything but sit on the couch. Black Widow also provides a mild feeling of relaxation throughout the body, which the potency of a head high can sometimes outdo. Consequently, depending on how well you can handle the strength of this breed, you will either be able to concentrate better and enjoy what you’re doing, or you will be compelled to remain sedentary to take full advantage of the incredible euphoria. Utilizing this strain in the afternoon or evening is when it shines brightest.


3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE


Flowering Time



Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Black Widow Seeds

From 29.00