Blue Moonrocks

From 29.00

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Blue Moonrocks Strain Overview

If you’re a cannabis grower, you may have heard of the Blue Moonrocks Cannabis strain. It’s an Indica-dominant hybrid that has gained popularity among growers for its intense THC content and unique flavor. But what exactly is this strain? Is it worth your time and effort growing it in your garden? Let’s take a look into the specifics of this strain to help you decide.

Blue Moonrocks Aroma and Taste

The buds of Blue Moonrocks are quite dense, with deep green leaves and a blueish hue when exposed to direct light. It also has yellow-orange colored pistils and plenty of trichomes, making it look like it’s covered in frosting. When smoked, Blue Moonrocks produces a sweet, spicy aroma with hints of citrus.

Blue Moonrocks Genetics and Effects

This strain is known for producing strong physical effects due to its high THC content—upwards of 24 percent on average. It will provide users with a calming body buzz accompanied by uplifting mental effects that can last up to two hours. As such, Blue Moonrocks is popular among medical marijuana users who want relief from chronic pain without feeling sedated or lethargic. It can also be used recreationally by consumers looking for an evening pick-me-up or social lubricant before going out with friends or attending events.

Growing Blue Moonrocks Seeds

Growing the Blue Moonrocks strain isn’t complicated but does require some attention to detail and careful monitoring throughout the process. First off, this strain needs plenty of sunlight and warm temperatures in order to thrive and reach its maximum potential—around 65–80 degrees Fahrenheit (18–27 degrees Celsius). Additionally, because of its dense buds, it’s important to give plants enough space between each other so they don’t get cramped during flowering season. Lastly, keep an eye out for pests while harvesting as they tend to target these plants more than others!


All in all, the Blue Moonrocks Cannabis strain is definitely worth giving a try if you’re looking for an intensely stimulating experience that won’t leave you feeling overly sedated afterwards. This strain has immense therapeutic benefits as well as recreational uses which makes it extremely versatile and useful for a variety of situations. With careful attention given during both growth and harvest periods, you should be able to produce some top-notch buds from this strain! For cannabis growers looking for something new to try out in their gardens, consider giving this one a shot—you won’t regret it!



3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Blue Moonrocks

From 29.00