California Dream Seeds

From 29.00

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There are some buds that are denser than others, but the differences are minor. SCROG may be a good fit for this strain. In a sea of green, pruning the shoots at the bottom three internodes to strengthen the top branches may be the best option. All plants produce resin reliably, and the buds are simple to trim after harvest. Mold has a high level of resistance.

California Dream can be grown outdoors in temperate climates as long as the weather does not turn cold before the harvesting date, which is in the middle of September. The effects are immediate, resulting in an all-over high that is felt in both the body and the mind. 

The stone imparts a sense of well-being and reflects its parentage’s balanced yet stimulating power. It may motivate you to have fun with friends or inspire you to relax and take a mental vacation. With a flowering period of 9 weeks, it produces 600 and 600-700 gr. plant outdoor.


3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE


Flowering Time



Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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California Dream Seeds

From 29.00