CBD Acdc Seeds

From 29.00

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ACDC Cannabis Strain

The CBD ACDC is one of the world’s favorite marijuana plants for medical use. This Indica dominant strain produces a good deal of CBD and almost no THC. The THC levels of the CBD Acdc are not even up to 1%, while its CBD levels range from 20% to 21%.

This particular strain will never give you a high, no matter how much quantity you consume. Instead, what you get is a relaxing and sedative buzz. In addition, this herb is a remedy for chronic pains, PTSD, epilepsy, and many other medical conditions.

The CBD ACDC can be ingrown or outgrown. Regardless, it completes its flowering circle in 8 weeks to 10 weeks and produces buds with scents of earth and citrus. When bred in optimal conditions, it produces 650 grams per square meter indoors and 400 grams to 500 grams per plant grown outdoor.

ACDC Marijuana Effects

Although this strain may be a 50/50 Indica/Sativa hybrid, it definitely has more of a Sativa flavor. So, the impact of ACDC is not a rush of cerebral euphoria like that of other drugs, but rather a sense of overall calmness. Some ex-smokers have found that taking ACDC has helped them concentrate better on their jobs. 

Even though ACDC has a relatively modest THC content, it has been shown to have a favorable effect on mood. As a result of its analgesic properties and potential to generate clear thinking, this strain may help its users concentrate. 

You might feel more sociable after taking ACDC since it induces a state of calm bliss. It’s not as bad as it sounds; you won’t have to rock your pals like a heavy metal band.

ACDC Taste & Smell

If cannabis has any medicinal value at all, the very least we should expect is a pleasant aroma when we light a joint. ACDC succeeds in this department as well, since it has a lovely aroma that combines sweet citrus with just an earthy undertone.

Some people find it unusual that ACDC tastes the same way it smells, but it is delicious all the same. Some people report a woody aftertaste alongside the skunky, sweet, and peppery notes.

Growing ACDC Seeds

Green, dense, and fluffy, ACDC buds are covered in orange hairs and can be cultivated either indoors or out. Up to four feet in height, this plant is bushy and has feathery leaves.

Keep in mind that ACDC need a foundation to brace itself as it expands in size. It takes a little more effort to cultivate ACDC than most other strains, but it is possible. In some cases, such as when using a fan, a light shaking may be required. In order to get the most out of this strain, you should give it some pressure as it develops.

You should also take mineral supplements, particularly magnesium and calcium. As a result, you will also need to keep an eye out for pests when cultivating an ACDC plant.


Indoor flowering time for ACDC is estimated at between 65 and 72 days. A typical harvest might get you 14 ounces per square meter.


An estimated 9–10 weeks are needed for ACDC to go from seed to blossom when grown outside. It could take a little longer to do this in cooler climates. Midway through October is when most people finish harvesting, and the yield is usually more than it would be indoors.

It is recommended that you supplement the plant as stated in order to increase the production.


3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE


Flowering Time



Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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CBD Acdc Seeds

From 29.00