Grizzly Purple Kush Seeds

From 29.00

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Grizzly Purple Kush Cannabis Strain

Beautiful in appearance, Grizzly Purple Kush lives up to the expectation of its name as a 70/30 hybrid with an Indica dominance. This strain was created from a blend of Kosher, G13, and Purple strains by Expert Seeds. It has the potential to make you feel sluggish and induce a deep slumber that would be impossible without this purple miracle. With THC levels of 20% to 25% and a tangy, citrusy flavor, this strain will pique even seasoned smokers’ curiosity.

Growing Grizzly Purple Kush Seeds

The sticky-sweet Grizzly Purple Kush strain is easy to cultivate and has above-average immunity to the molds that plague outdoor and indoor growers in humid climates. To maximize yields, use a Screen of Green (SoG) setup while cultivating this plant. You’ll know your efforts are paying off when the large purple leaves appear.

It has a short 63-day flowering time and produces 450g per square meter when grown indoors. You can expect at least 500g/plant while growing them outside. This strain’s yield and THC content are exceptionally high, reaching 20% to 25%, respectively. As a result of its high resin production, this is an excellent strain for hash and other concentrate extraction.

Grizzly Purple Kush Weed Flavor and Effect

This strain produces extremely dense, resinous buds. They have a deep purple gloss and are covered in trichomes, but their base color is dark green, like olives. Stickiness is broken up by dark orange pistils, and a fruity, earthy scent fills the air. Even after you quit smoking, the sour citrus, fresh herb, and delicious soil aromas will fill the atmosphere.

This strains high builds gradually, but once you’ve reached there, there’s no turning back. You’ll feel lightheaded and goofy in your head. Daydreams of bliss will come to you. The lights will begin to appear. Eventually, you’ll find humor in even the most mundane situations. Because of this, the strain is excellent for those who are feeling down at the end of the week due to the constant presence of tension and pain. Due to the strain’s effects on appetite, a light snack may assist calm your stomach.

You’ll feel so tired and heavy that you won’t be able to move even as the high from Grizzly Purple Kush wears on. For this reason, we advise settling in for an old-fashioned night with this San Francisco strain, perhaps with a companion, and certainly with some food and a soft place to sleep. If you treat the Grizzly with care, he will return the favor.



3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Grizzly Purple Kush Seeds

From 29.00