Amnesia x Grandaddy Purple

From 29.00

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Amnesia x Grandaddy Purple Strain Overview

If you’re a cannabis grower, you know how important it is to select the right strain for your garden. There are so many different options out there, but two of our favorites are Grandaddy Purple x Amnesia. Let’s take a look at what makes these two strains so popular.

Grandaddy Purple (GDP)

Grandaddy Purple is an indica-dominant hybrid strain developed in California in 2003. It has a sweet, grapey smell and taste that lingers on the tongue for hours after smoking. The buds are dense with trichomes and have a deep purple color when harvested correctly. GDP is well known for its strong sedative effects, which can help ease symptoms of insomnia and chronic pain. Additionally, its uplifting properties make it great for combating depression and anxiety.


Amnesia is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain that was first developed in Amsterdam in the 1980s. It has a citrusy smell and taste, with hints of pine and earthiness as well. The buds are dense with trichomes, often appearing light green or yellowish in color when ready to harvest. Amnesia is known for its energizing effects that can help fight fatigue and depression, while still providing calming effects that can ease symptoms of anxiety and stress. Additionally, this strain has been known to induce creativity, making it great for creative projects or brainstorming sessions!


Both Grandaddy Purple and Amnesia are extremely popular cannabis strains due to their unique aromas and effects. While both offer great benefits, they both have their own distinct properties that should be taken into consideration before selecting one over the other. Whether you’re looking for something to help combat insomnia or just need an extra boost of energy during your day, either one of these strains could be exactly what you need! Happy growing!


3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Amnesia x Grandaddy Purple

From 29.00