Jack Horror

From 29.00

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Jack Horror Cannabis Strain Overview

Find no better potency than Jack Horror if that’s what you’re after. If you’re a grower in need of a potent and tasty experience, go no further than this indica-dominant hybrid. Let’s examine this kind in greater detail to find out why it deserves to be at the top of your list.

Jack Horror Aroma and Taste

Jack Horror has a powerful flavour and odour that sets it apart. The peculiar flavour of the smoke is a cross between fruity sweetness and skunky pungency. As strong as this strain is, its perfume is much more enveloping, with undertones of earthy musk and sweet overtones.

Jack Horror Genetics and Effects

Intense and long-lasting, Jack Horror’s effects are not to be underestimated. Its stimulating effects on the mind and body are felt almost immediately after use. This cannabis variety has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, making it ideal for relaxing down after a busy day or settling in for the night. Because of its modest analgesic effects, it can be helpful for people with chronic pain.

Growing Jack Horror Seeds

Jack Horror plants often grow to a height of four or five feet, and their thick nuggets are covered with vivid orange hairs. It does well in either an indoor or outdoor setting, provided it receives adequate amounts of light, water, and fertiliser. It also has a high level of resistance to common pests and diseases, so your plants will thrive without any intervention.


Growers who prioritise flavour over strength or yield should strongly consider Jack Horror. The combination of its high-quality scent, robust flavour, and potent effects makes it a highly desirable strain. As an added bonus, anyone can give it a shot because it grows well in both indoor and outdoor settings. You won’t be let down if you try this strain of cannabis if you’re seeking for a once-in-a-lifetime high.



3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Diverses options d'expédition et remplacement du courrier perdu.

Les clients américains qui dépensent plus de 120 $ bénéficient d'une livraison suivie gratuite. La livraison suivie coûte 12 $ pour les commandes inférieures à 120 $.

Clients non américains - bénéficiez d'une livraison standard gratuite pour toute commande supérieure à 65 $. Les commandes de plus de 115 $ sont expédiées gratuitement par courrier suivi.

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  • Reste du monde 7-10 jours

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Jack Horror

From 29.00