Yumbolt Banana

From 29.00

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Yumbolt Banana Cannabis Strain Overview

Yumbolt Banana is the best option if you’re looking for a cannabis strain with a wide range of benefits and a pleasurable experience. The high THC concentration and potency of this strain will impress even the most seasoned cannabis consumers. In this extensive review, we’ll investigate Yumbolt Banana’s many positive attributes in detail.

Yumbolt Banana Aroma and Taste

Yumbolt Banana has an intoxicating scent and a flavour profile that strikes a balance between sweet and earthy. It’s got a complex flavour profile that’ll make your taste buds go crazy, with hints of citrus, banana, and pine. When inhaled, it has a fruity, berry flavour with notes of banana; when exhaled, it changes to a mild, woodsy aroma with a hint of pineapple.

Yumbolt Banana Genetics and Effects

Yumbolt Banana is not only delicious and pleasant to smell and taste, but also has outstanding effects. A high concentration of THC gives this strain its characteristic calming and uplifting effects quickly after ingestion. It causes a pleasant physical high that calms you down considerably without making you feel sleepy or listless. Many smokers report increased inspiration and energy after using this strain, making it a good choice for individuals who desire the advantages of cannabis without the drawbacks.

Growing Yumbolt Banana Seeds

The Yumbolt banana has a lengthy flowering cycle, which makes it difficult to grow (10-12 weeks). It’s important to note, however, that as long as it gets adequate of sunlight and nutrients, this strain does well in either an indoor or outdoor setting. Growers should also be aware that this strain expands significantly during flowering, so they should plan accordingly.

Yumbolt Banana is highly recommended for both first-time and seasoned pot smokers. It’s one of the most popular choices because of its singular flavour and perfume and its powerful yet relaxing effects. For those who want to unwind without getting drowsy, this strain is a great choice. Also, growers should be aware that the Yumbolt Banana has a lengthy flowering phase and, as a result, requires more attention to detail than some other varieties.



3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Yumbolt Banana

From 29.00