Golden Goat Seeds

From 29.00

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Golden Goat Cannabis Strain

The Golden Goat strain has everything you could want in a Sativa strain. The combination of delicious flavors is the cherry on top of the high it provides. A smoker or grower with some experience in the field can produce their own supply. We sell feminized seeds that produce high-yielding plants for growers. You can store up enough for a year of smoking with your pals and family. The Sativa energy of Golden Goat Feminized is incomparable. Both of its parents are well-known members of the cannabis family, so you know it will work. It’s best enjoyed during the daytime, as each puff provides a jolt of energy and a quick pick-me-up. It’s a lot more powerful than a caffeine boost, and it helps you focus without making you nervous.

Growing Golden Goat Seeds

Plants do best in controlled environments, but they can survive outdoors if conditions are right. And it will reward its cultivators with a plentiful harvest if given the proper care and attention. Male beans are useless to farmers who choose not to reproduce. Every single one of our feminized seeds will mature into a healthy, flowering female plant. To those who have some experience growing cannabis, Golden Goat is the ideal strain. This plant is more elongated than it is branched, so it will require lots of room to grow. Furthermore, as the plant blooms, careful monitoring is needed. The weight of its colas may be too much for its skinny branches, and it may fall over if not propped up. The cannabis plant prefers an indoor environment with a constant temperature of 21 to 27 degrees Celsius.

It’s best to grow it from seedlings in soil or hydroponics. Install the SOG screen before the plant flowers. Upon completing its 11-week flowering period, it can produce as much as 400 grams of dried buds per square meter to be shared amongst the growers. This strain thrives in the warm sunshine, and is a boon to growers in sunny climates. There are regions of the world where a single plant can yield as much as 600 grams of delicious buds. Without human intervention, it can grow up to 180 centimeters tall. The Golden Goat strain still has a chance to thrive in the north. Locate a sunny area and keep an eye out for clouds. If rain looks like it will fall soon, take it inside. Farmers in this region should be able to start harvesting around the middle of October.

Golden Goat Weed Taste & Smell

Golden Goat has a distinct but familiar flavor. The uplifting aroma of citrus fills the room when you open the pot’s lid. Its fuel-like and damp overtones are comforting to the nose at the same time. Also, the different flavors can be sampled in one sitting with each bowl. The sweet and sour taste stands out like lemonade in your mouth. There’s a touch of spiciness and kerosene in the background. The aftertaste of the lemon lasts for a considerable time after exhalation. The plant’s distinctive scent is never hidden. Its earthy citrus aroma is noticed as soon as the buds begin to produce resin. The scent is strong and enticing, with a hint of kerosene.

Golden Goat Marijuana Effect

Smoking the herb in the morning is a great way to kick off the day, especially when combined with coffee. Since it has strong Sativa mental effects, it’s excellent for wake and bake. One of the first ways it combats stress is by providing a feeling of joy and lightness. Users can get their day off to a good start in this way. The hybrid is popular among naturally creative people because it unleashes a flood of ideas. Inventions come to mind while on the high, some of which could prove very useful—those who partake report experiencing a burst of energy, which helps them power through the day.

It’s also worth mentioning that the Indica content of Golden Goat is not unnoticed. It moderates the energy rush with a gentle serenity, producing a pleasant overall effect. After the initial buzz from the Sativa wears off, the calming effects kick in full force. In the end, you’ll feel completely relaxed and at peace with your body after the gradual descent. When using this variety, keep in mind that a little bit goes a long way. Just one or two hits will keep you going for hours. Taking even a little more could make you feel dizzy, anxious, or paranoid. These effects are more common in novice users because they still learn appropriate toking and pacing.



3 + 3 GRATUIT, 5 + 5 GRATUIT, 10 + 10 GRATUITS, 15 + 15 FREE, 25 + 25 GRATUIT, 50 + 50 GRATUIT, 100 + 100 GRATUITS, 200 + 200 FREE

Flowering Time


Yield indoor

Yield outdoor


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Golden Goat Seeds

From 29.00